My story

“The Alexander Technique has had a huge positive impact on my life. It changed what had become a life of steady deterioration into a life of steady improvement.” Jane Toms

Aged 25 to 30 I experienced increasing, incapacitating back and leg pain. It was eventually found to be caused by a benign spinal tumour. I had a brilliant surgeon. He operated, didn’t damage my spinal cord and the pain improved. After 3 months I returned to work – very happy. However as I returned to my normal activities so the pain returned. A puzzle. Investigations showed that the surgery was successful but my experience was saying something different. I tried everything I could. Some things provided temporary relief.

I was then introduced to the Alexander Technique. It was different to anything else I had tried and I found it fascinating. I slowly discovered that my problems were no longer medical. They were being created by me, my thinking and the resulting way I went about activity and life. I worked with teachers and applied the technique to my everyday activities. Gradually my physical problems improved and I began to notice other benefits, such as life becoming easier and more fun, I was hooked.

In 2007 I completed a 4 year rigorous training programme to become an Alexander Technique Teacher and in 2016 I completed 4 more years of training to become an Alexander Technique Trainer and train others to become teachers. I feel very lucky to have found the Alexander Technique, to share it with others, and to continue to benefit from it.